• Hello my friends,
    We want to bring you today a project we support, in relation with our studies. As a homework, we have promote a project financed by crowdfunding, and so we do. 
    The Lunar Mission One goal is to send an unmanned robotic landing module to the South Pole of the Moon, which is an unexplored area.

    The Lunar Mission One

    They're going to use pioneering technology to drill down to a depth of at least 20m (10 times deeper than has ever been drilled before) and potentially as deep as 100m. By doing this, they will access lunar rock dating back up to 4.5 billion years to discover the geological composition of the Moon, the ancient relationship it shares with our planet and the effects of asteroid bombardment. Ultimately, the project will improve scientific understanding of the early solar system, the formation of our planet and the Moon, and the conditions that initiated life on Earth.
    We decided to create a pot, to collect money from our part and then send them this sum of money.
    Take a look at our petty cash page:
    On their side they use a platform name "Kickstarter" for their crownfunding, it's the most developed company in this domain.
    Take a look at their kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lunarmissionone/lunar-mission-one-a-new-lunar-mission-for-everyone



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  • This building is a very new one, and it is just wonderful. Not just by its architecture but also by its purpose.


    The Louis Vuitton foundation


    Resting on a collection of essentially contemporary art, the Louis Vuitton foundation is usued to show permanent collections, temporary exhibition of modern and contemporary art and multidisciplinary demonstrations, meetings and debates. It counts among its priorities the implementation of an educational mission, in particular with young audiences.


    This building is situated in Paris in the wood of Boulogne and adjoining the Zoological garden. Twelve big glass sails come to cover the body of the building, the assembly of white blocks named "iceberg", by conferring it its volume and lightness.Put on a pond created for the occasion, the building fits into the natural environment, between wood and garden, playing the light and the effects of mirror.



    The museum is composed by a series of masterpieces, fourteen exactly, throning in hundred square meters of white spaces. This group redraws the route of the most unclassifiable - and of the most highly-rated - contemporary painters in service: the German Gerhard Richter. This the permanent part, almost every single month a new artist take place in the foundation.


    Address:  8 Avenue Mahatma-Gandhi, 75116 Paris

    Contact: 01 40 69 96 00


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  • Here is an exciting and not conventional activity: auctions! This is what I am going to present you today hoping that it will have instigated your curiosity.


    The Drouot auctions


    The bids are said public because accessible to all: every person can attend it in spectator, outbid and buy. The auction so allows the establishment of the "right price" of an object. It also gives a unique opportunity to discover the market of the art and to learn to know objects.


    To outbid during a sale, a wave of the hand to the attention of the auctioneer warn him of your bid. In this case, the amount of the bid is left with its appreciation. To make a bid of a precise amount, it is recommended to announce it outloud.

    The hammer blow transfers the property of the good to the highest bidder.


    Now let your instinct lead you and more important have fun !


    Address: Drouot-Montmartre 64 rue Doudeauville
                      75018 Paris - France
                      Tél. +33 (0)1 48 00 20 99

                      Drouot Richelieu 9 rue Drouot
                      75009 Paris - France
                      Tél. +33 (0)1 48 00 20 20



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  • Forget the haunted houses, and their plastic skeletons, forget the second-rate actors and their costumes taken out of a musical, today I presents you The manor house of Paris and its troop of vile servants, then tremble !!


    First haunted show in France, The Manor house of Paris makes relive, in the prestigious frame of a classified house, about twenty Parisian legends. Enter the darkness of an interactive route. Become the victim of the dark history of the City Light. It is new theatrical experience where you discover the terrible secrets of the capital resuscitated by 35 professional comedians.


    The manor house of Paris


    A show of exception
    Once the sieve crossed behind the thick curtain of black velvet which gives access to the interactive route of the legends. A fantastic entertainment where the exploit of the actors competes with the somber detail of costumes and decorations. The experience ends at the 3rd level in a private hospital in the little conventional treatments : Asylum.


    If luckily, you even stand after your passage by the mouths of hell, you should sign up for ASYLUM, the new attraction revealed by the Manor house of Paris. Shivers, cold sweat, nightmarish visions, the count and his medical team are ready to welcome you for a non-conventional treatment...



    Address: 18, rue de Paradis 75010 PARIS

    Contact:  contact@lemanoirdeparis.com


    Schedule: Friday 18/22h

                         Saturday/Sunday 15/19h




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  • Litlle Belt railway (in french "la petite ceinture")


    Little belt railway

    La petite ceinture was created in 1852 for commercial goods all around Paris. This railway was extremely long about 32 kilometers.

    Nowadays, the railway is abandonment and not recommanded to access but if you're a little bit imaginative there are many hidden entrance to this discover this fabulous and unknown place. 

    This place is really incredible because the atmosphere is never the same during the 32 kilometers. For example if you like strong sensations the railway is for you and your friends. For the must brave of you, there are dark tunnels which no noise and no humans presences. If you likes street art too i recommend you to see the amazing tags on the walls.

    Little belt railwayLittle belt railway




    Moreover if you want to discover another aspect of Paris you can go near... and you will be surprises how the nature can hang the top.


    Our experience was very positive every time i discovers news things and new people, last times i met an homeless person who decided to live here and built his own home and with his proper company, a little cat. Now is your turn to discover this amazing secret place.


    Little belt railwayLittle belt railwayLittle belt railway

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